CD Warehouse e-shop 為您提供方便快捷、安全的網路購物交易
CD Warehouse e-shop provides a convenient and secure online shopping transaction for you.

*CD Warehouse e-shop 網上商店、與門市零售店舖會各自推出不同的優惠,因此兩者之售價可能有所不同。
**2023年09月14日起 CD Warehouse E-SHOP 本地運費有以下調整:每一個本地訂單,一律收取HK$15.00的優惠運費
如選擇到CD Warehouse 11間門市自取或每一個本地訂單購物滿HK$400或以上您仍然可以享受本地免運費優惠 (香港地區以外運費不受該次調整運費影響)。

***本店只接受退換貨品,訂單一經成功付款後, 即代訂單已經成功確認確認後不能取消,亦不設退

****寄往台灣的顧客請注意: 請提供身份証編號給我們,以方便順豐速運派件


1. 請先註冊成為會員
2. 可從以下三條途徑挑選產品
* 輸入關鍵字搜尋產品
* 從菜單中選擇產品
* 點擊產品圖片查看或購買
1. Sign up for being our member first
2. 加入購物車
請於購物車視窗選擇:“繼續購物” 或“結帳” 確認訂單
3. 結帳, 運輸及付款方式
* 查看運送地址: 使用現有地址 或 新增地址
a. PayPal / VISA, MASTER 信用卡
b. Alipay / WeChat Pay 微信海外支付

C.轉數快 FPS (如需要退款,請客戶必須提供有效正確的香港銀行戶口)

到 CD Warehouse 各門市取貨: 取貨時請出示 email 有關資料
感謝使用我們的網購站。如果您對產品有任何意見查詢, 歡迎和我們聯絡。我們的服務員會儘快處理. 謝謝!
*For the charges of tariff, taxes, regulatory fee, and other related fees, the payment responsibility should be born by the consumers or consignees.

Online Shopping Procedure

1. Choose the products by the following 3 ways
*Enter the key words to search for the product
*Choose the product from the menu
*Click on the picture of the product to look over or order it

2. Add the product to the cart
Please choose the options of "keeping on shopping" or "Checkout"
* 運送方式: 香港郵政, 
順豐速運 或 到各CD Warehouse 門市領取


3. Checking out, Delivery and Payment

*Check for the shipping address : please use the recent address or the latest address
*Delivery : by Hong Kong Post or getting the order in our stores
* 選擇支付方式
a. Visa, Master or AE  (Paypal / Credit Cards Visa, Master or AE)
b. Alipay / Wechat Pay

C. 轉數快 FPS (如需要退款,請客戶必須提供有效正確的香港銀行戶口)


4. 選擇收貨/取貨渠道
順豐速運: 請等候取貨消息. (本地速遞需時約 3-5 個工作天, 海外快遞約 7-14 個工作天)

*歡迎使用順豐智能櫃服務 / 香港郵政的智郵站自助領件櫃服務 

4. Choose the way of receiving the order
Local or Oversea SpeedPost/
SF Express : Please wait for the delivery courier's SMS
Get the products in CD Warehouse stores: Please show the transaction records / the relevant email to the staff

5. 商品評論 (如有意見的話) / Your Comment (If any)

Thank you for visiting our website. Welcome to contact us if you have any comment on our products. We will deal with the problem as soon as possible. Thank you!

您在 CD Warehouse e-Shop 網站所買到的商品皆為全新品之質量保證。除了新品故障,如該商品不能讀取,跳針等相關問題。其餘一經拆封或使用,恕不接受退換。

黑膠唱片較容易因外在因素產生變化,「製作過程」或「拿取過程」也易有刮傷、不平等問題產生。由於本站售出的商品皆是未拆封的全新商品,故無法得知商品內部是否有瑕疵的狀況。為避免黑膠瑕疵產生退換貨問題,本站可在出貨前先為您拆封檢查是否有「刮傷」、「不平」等狀況,請您在訂單中留言,以便我們為您安排。所有黑膠唱片瑕疵商品需要退回本公司才能啟動換貨程序。由於本站已有運費優惠,黑膠唱片瑕疵商品如欲退款和換貨,需自行承擔往返的運送費用 (如在門市更換除外)。若有有關退換貨安排處理,請先 Email或Whatsapp我們,並告知產品之問題或瑕疵所在。我們的服務員會盡快安排和處理。

CD Warehouse e-Shop保留一切商品退換事宜的最終決定權。

The products from CD Warehouse E-Shop are ensured that they are brand new products. Once the products has been sealed off or used, the purchased items are non-exchangeable unless there are issues of product malfunction, such as unavailability of reading products, needle jumping problem of the record and so on.

Vinyl records may be prone to have physical changes, such as being scratched and bumpy, by external factors during the process of production and transportation. As the products sold on CD Warehouse E-shop are brand new products which have not been sealed off, it is not available to know whether the products are detective. Customers have the right to require records checking before shipping out the products to prevent from receiving the defective products. Please remark the requirement of records checking on your order so that we can help arrange for you to have a check. All defective products need to be returned to CD Warehouse to activate products exchange procedure. Since transport charge discount is already being provided, customers are required to bear the return shipping fee of defective products for product exchange, except for returning the defective products to our physical stores directly. Please first inform us about the problems of the defective products by email or Whatsapp for the requirement of products return and exchange. Our staff will make the arrangement as soon as possible.

In case of any disputes in relation to the Products Return and Exchange, the decision of CD Warehouse E-shop shall be final.