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Pauline(溫碧霞 飾)遇人不淑並誕下一子,更被負心漢拋棄,為照顧兒子及家人而當上舞小姐。一天,她一時衝動用菜刀將負心漢刺傷,被判入獄。出獄後,她遇上富家公子Eric(劉德華 飾),兩人一見鍾情,可是 Pauline 自覺配不上他。Eric 沒有嫌棄她,更用錢幫她贖身。怎料,二人遇上交通意外……

Nominated for Best Screenplay, Hong Kong Film Awards 1985Nobody would expect an Andy Lau-starring romance drama to enjoy a day in the sun at Cannes. But that was exactly what happened in 1984, when Everlasting Love premiered at the Directors' Fortnight alongside, among others, Jim Jarmusch's Stranger Than Paradise and Stephen Frears' The Hit. Speaking about the film, director Michael Mak said he wanted to reflect Hong Kong "repressed and class-conscious society" with a love story between an escort, Pauline (Irene Wan), and young doctor Eric (Lau). There's a certain truth in what he said, as Wan makes good of Mak's promise with an engaging turn as a nightclub-bound Cinderella trying and failing to fit into his boyfriend's upper-crust life. But the film also harks to the troubled-teen subgenre Mak's producer brother, Johnny Mak, has made his own with Lonely Fifteen (1982), with prison brawls and nightclub catfights galore.Pauline(溫碧霞 飾)遇人不淑並誕下一子,更被負心漢拋棄,為照顧兒子及家人而當上舞小姐。一天,她一時衝動用菜刀將負心漢刺傷,被判入獄。出獄後,她遇上富家公子Eric(劉德華 飾),兩人一見鍾情,可是 Pauline 自覺配不上他。Eric 沒有嫌棄她,更用錢幫她贖身。怎料,二人遇上交通意外……

Nominated for Best Screenplay, Hong Kong Film Awards 1985Nobody would expect an Andy Lau-starring romance drama to enjoy a day in the sun at Cannes. But that was exactly what happened in 1984, when Everlasting Love premiered at the Directors' Fortnight alongside, among others, Jim Jarmusch's Stranger Than Paradise and Stephen Frears' The Hit. Speaking about the film, director Michael Mak said he wanted to reflect Hong Kong "repressed and class-conscious society" with a love story between an escort, Pauline (Irene Wan), and young doctor Eric (Lau). There's a certain truth in what he said, as Wan makes good of Mak's promise with an engaging turn as a nightclub-bound Cinderella trying and failing to fit into his boyfriend's upper-crust life. But the film also harks to the troubled-teen subgenre Mak's producer brother, Johnny Mak, has made his own with Lonely Fifteen (1982), with prison brawls and nightclub catfights galore.Pauline(溫碧霞 飾)遇人不淑並誕下一子,更被負心漢拋棄,為照顧兒子及家人而當上舞小姐。一天,她一時衝動用菜刀將負心漢刺傷,被判入獄。出獄後,她遇上富家公子Eric(劉德華 飾),兩人一見鍾情,可是 Pauline 自覺配不上他。Eric 沒有嫌棄她,更用錢幫她贖身。怎料,二人遇上交通意外……

Nominated for Best Screenplay, Hong Kong Film Awards 1985Nobody would expect an Andy Lau-starring romance drama to enjoy a day in the sun at Cannes. But that was exactly what happened in 1984, when Everlasting Love premiered at the Directors' Fortnight alongside, among others, Jim Jarmusch's Stranger Than Paradise and Stephen Frears' The Hit. Speaking about the film, director Michael Mak said he wanted to reflect Hong Kong "repressed and class-conscious society" with a love story between an escort, Pauline (Irene Wan), and young doctor Eric (Lau). There's a certain truth in what he said, as Wan makes good of Mak's promise with an engaging turn as a nightclub-bound Cinderella trying and failing to fit into his boyfriend's upper-crust life. But the film also harks to the troubled-teen subgenre Mak's producer brother, Johnny Mak, has made his own with Lonely Fifteen (1982), with prison brawls and nightclub catfights galore.Pauline(溫碧霞 飾)遇人不淑並誕下一子,更被負心漢拋棄,為照顧兒子及家人而當上舞小姐。一天,她一時衝動用菜刀將負心漢刺傷,被判入獄。出獄後,她遇上富家公子Eric(劉德華 飾),兩人一見鍾情,可是 Pauline 自覺配不上他。Eric 沒有嫌棄她,更用錢幫她贖身。怎料,二人遇上交通意外……


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